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Rough Night

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I feel so bad at the moment. I'm so bloated my stomach feels extremely tight and uncomfortable. I just woke up thinking I was going to get sick from it...heck I wanted to get sick so this tightness would go away.

I know this is from what I ate today but it's making me feel really anxious. 

I've put a heating pad on my stomach in hopes it'll losen some of my stomach muscles.

I hate that my stomach does this.

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So I got the sink. Wasn't my greatest moment lol. Anyway I feel better!  But my chest hurts. I think I pulled something getting sick. 

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Hope you feel better :) Ive definitely pulled something when getting sick...... try a nice warm bath and see if the muscles will relax!

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Thank you. I actually just got out of a hot shower.

I'm im still feeling a little tense. And am a little worried of the color of what came up. It was a bit brown. I dont think that means blood though...

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No that's normal bile or as many call it stomach acid it's what we have in stomach all the time to break down food. Definitely normal coloring 

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