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Burning skin

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Hi, I have suffered with anxiety for years especially health related but I had some cbt and kinda sorted my head out a bit that was until I witnessed my uncles death from lung c****r last year.  Since then the anxiety has crept back in,I can just about handle anxiety symptoms that I have had before but when new ones kick in I go into overdrive. The new symptom for me is the feeling that my skin is sunburnt,it started on my neck and face and now I can feel it pretty much every where,it really hurts and I am panicking about the possibility of it being MS or some other form of nasty ? I am finding it hard to function and just wondered if anyone could relate to these symptoms?

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Hi cozza. The same thing happened to me. I had anxiety and was used to the symptoms. Then my mum had a stroke.. I started suffering from the same burning skin sensations. It started on my lower legs, then my face and scalp, then I had the all over sunburn feeling too. It took a while but it eventually got better. You sure aren't alone, there is a big thread on here about it 

and this is not MS I assure you.  

Welcome to AC :) I hope our experiences will help you feel a little less scared.


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Thank you for your response it is so good to hear it's not just me ? Did you find your lasted all day or that it came and went,mine seems pretty constant on the face and neck but comes and goes on my legs. When you said it took a while are we talking months ? I still find it hard to get my head around the fact that anxiety can cause these awful things and sad to think this is going to be a battle I will always have to fight.

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Id say it got worse as the day went on but was constant for a while too. The only relief I got was in the bath so I had a lot of them! It did last months for me yes, but it did start to come and go, it probably took about 2 years to go away. We are all different though, I was under a huge amount of prolonged stress and I'm sure my age contributed as it was worse at that time of the month! Hormones, crazy hormones did not help me lol

It may not take so long for this to pass for you. It took me too long to get help and accept that anxiety and stress was causing it. I googled a lot in those days too. I learned my lesson the hard way!

Try not to look at it as something you have to battle or fight, but manage and adapt to. Having the right mentality towards anxiety and it's symptoms goes a long way to feeling better :)


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