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  1. I am a 4th year Psychology student. I am currently investigating the effects of insomnia in my final research project. This is a subject very close to me personally, as I have also suffered with severe sleep issues for many years. When I graduate I hope to continue in this area of research, and help ensure that the desperate need for further support for those with sleep issues is met. Due to the nature of the project, I am looking for volunteers who fit the following criteria: · Currently have issues sleeping, such as continued trouble falling asleep, or inability to stay asleep as long as desired · Between the ages of 18-65 · Lived in the UK for the last 3 years If these apply to you, and you have the time, it would be very much appreciated if you could participate in my online survey: The survey itself will take roughly 20 minutes. All responses remain entirely confidential as no personal information is required in order to take part. Please remember to select submit at the end. You will be redirected to an error page after completion, PLEASE IGNORE THIS, it is only for those taking part via university student participation. Thank you in advance for participating, and taking the time to read this post - any assistance you can provide is very much appreciated.