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  1. Good morning. Boy do I hope I get a response soon. I have Depression and Panic Disorder. I have a great life in NY. I don't really have to work and I have my own apartment. I have been dealing with the feeling of running away. I have a relative here who is very difficult and domineering. I even had an order of protection against them. I keep cutting them out and when they come back around, they are perceived to be helpful and then they start trying to dominate my life again. Being unemployed is hard though. I get so bored. I have applied to become a teacher though, so hopefully I get in! I even became certified for this job. Of course, the interview is going to happen on a day that I have my four year old, but I do have a sitter. I do have an Associate Degree. I did work for 15 years. But now, I am more concerned with leaving my comfy life in turn for some happiness. I don't know what to do, but stay on my meds and ride this out. Any words would help.