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Everything posted by unicorn

  1. Is it normal if it's fully covered with blood ? It's not like a dot of blood, it's almost all blood .
  2. Hi, This morning when I woke up, I cleared my throat . The kind where you like sniff from your nose and some of it gets to your throat and then spit it out . When I spit it out, I saw blood but mixed with phlem not sure if it was phlem or just discharge from my nose . Maybe my nose was bleeding but it went to my throat as I sniffed ? I just checked my nose right now and it has blood in it . Help, I'm really scared .
  3. Hi ! Yesterday I felt feverish and was having a bit of a chills but every time I check my temperature it's normal . Has anyone experienced this ?
  4. Hi ! I'm still a bit terrified about what it is . It's still on my eye . I'm trying not to be bothered but I can feel that it's there sometimes . It also feels a bit more dry than my other eye . I'd probably have it checked by next week or so . I'm so close to googling it too .
  5. Oooh . Did the doctor say it could go away with some meds ?
  6. Hi ! Thank you . . . I'll try not to google it. :(
  7. Hi, OMG . Thank you so much I feel a little more calm right now . I was scared that I might be the only one experiencing this and no one would respond . I almost googled it 'cause I was so scared . Thank you for responding . I'll probably wait it out . Yeah, my eyes feel dry sometimes and my lashes kept falling into my eyelid and I rub my eyes a lot . Could be all of those .
  8. Hi all, Yesterday, I just noticed that it feels like something was on my eye and I kept trying to rub it off . I checked on the mirror to see what it was and I saw a tiny white bump on the lower right corner of my left eye . I couldn't get rid off it and it's still on my eye until today . I didn't google it 'cause I'm way too scared . Was wondering if anyone else has experienced this ? I drew what it looks like:
  9. Hi all, I've been experiencing this weird feeling in my stomach as if I'm full but when I get hungry it's starts to feel like it's burning on the inside . After eating a meal, hours later I'd feel hungry again and the kind of hungry as if I didn't eat a while ago kind of hungry . I've been feeling things for like 4 days now . I've been burping more often and I feel like puking . I've already taken antacid and it does go away for a while but comes back afterwards . I'm thinking this is due to me drinking soda/soft drinks more often plus my body clock . I sleep so late and wake up at around 1PM or 2PM so I'd miss out breakfast and lunch . Sort of freaking out 'cause it's been going on for so long . Haven't been to a doctor yet . Could this be hyper acidity ? Anyone else experience this ?
  10. Hi . I just got back from my doctor and she said that I could have gotten a yeast infection due to my antibiotics that I developed a "candida?" . She prescribed me a tablet called "Fluconazole" and I only had to take it once . She then said take it and observe the symptoms . When I bought the tablet I read the instructions and there was this instruction " Vaginal cadidiasis, 150 mg, single dose " and it had a note " for HIV patients only: A suppressive therapy of oral Fluconazole 200 mg once daily for life is recommended " and now my anxiety is skyrocketing .
  11. Yeah, Ive decided to just go with my internal med doctor . She's had all of my records of my previous diagnosis and list of meds I took . Thank you so much for the responses and to everyone too . I just want the itch and burns gone ASAP . x_x
  12. No . I'm not from the U.S .
  13. Maybe it's different any country if it needs prescription or not . I'm not from the U.S by the way . I'm currently torn between going to my Internal medicine doctor or to a gynecologist which I have not been to a gynecologist . I'm thinking about going to my internal med doctor 'cause she has been my go to whenever I feel something . I just hope she could help me with my situation without having to stick anything up in my feminine area . I'm not sexually active and I'm still a virgin as well .
  14. I tried to look for a vaginal cream or the one that you have to insert int the feminine area at the pharmacy but it's not in the feminine aisle . I also asked the pharmacist if they have anything for yeast infection but they didn't know what yeast infection was and they had to ask me where the area is itching if it's inside or out and I said inside . They said they have something but it has to be inserted inside and I'm guessing that was the on but they said it had to be prescribed for me to get one . I'm probably gonna go to the gynecologist this weekend to have it checked 'cause it's starting to burn a little bit and the itch is really annoying .
  15. Did you get the ones that have to be inserted as well ?
  16. Oh noooo . I'm not really comfortable inserting stuff in my feminine area . Also, the doctor I've been seeking is an internal medicine doctor . Can they help me with my feminine area issue or should I have to go to a gynecologist ?
  17. I'm honestly scared to ask for a yeast infection cream on the counter . What should I tell the pharmacist if I'm looking for that without having to actually say yeast infection ?
  18. Do you know how to tell if it's yeast infection ? I'm scared to google it . I saw one post here that they saw a thick white discharge and I saw the same thing in mine . IDK if it's it
  19. Would BV reflect in urinalysis ?
  20. I just took them right now . I've had the itch before being prescribed with antibiotics .
  21. So my feminine area has been itchy recently. IDK if it's the wipes, clothing or soap that's 'causing it . I've also trimmed my pubic hair in case that caused it too. I'm also scared that it might be an infection 'cause I just had some blood work done and a urinalysis . My urinalysis result was normal but my blood work wasn't and was told that it's a bacterial infection and the problem is what's causing it . I asked the doctor if it was an alarming kind of bacterial infection and he said it wasn't . Last week I had been feeling fatigued that's why I went for a checkup and as they said, it's bacterial infection. I've also been having dry cough the past few weeks and now I've been prescribed medication for my cough and my bacterial infection . I'm scared that my itchy feminine area could be the cause of it but I was thinking that it couldn't be since my urinalysis was normal . I also didn't tell the doctor about my itch issues 'cause I was trying to see if it's the soap I'm using or the pubic hair 'cause when I don't move a lot it doesn't itch . IDK if anyone else has experienced this .
  22. Hi all . The past few months I've experienced a headache a couple of times . The pain is mostly on forehead and on my temples . I noticed that I'd get it when I slept late, when the lights are too bright, and before or during my period . When I'd sleep it off it would go away . Last week Thursday, I had an awful headache and my period was coming I think a day after so I just thought it could be something PMS could contribute to . Yesterday, I went to work fine but during lunch I suddenly felt tired and I began to feel a fever coming and when they'd touch my forehead or my neck they do feel that I'm having a fever but when I was checked, my temperature was normal . They also had my blood pressure checked and it's normal . So I went to the doctor and be checked and was informed that it's a tension headache due to stress . I felt sooo tired like my body was about to drop and I lost my appetite too . When I got home I went straight to sleep and I felt a bit better this morning . But now that I don't have a headache I feel tired and a bit feverish but when I checked my temperature it's normal . Can tension headaches make you feel drop dead tired and a little feverish too ?
  23. Hi . My mom’s results came out benign . Her blood pressure is normal too . She’s prescribed a medicine that would shrink up her goiter . Now my doctor had me checked for thyroid as well ‘cause she checked my neck and she felt that it’s large and might be the cause of my cough lasting for months .
  24. Hi all, I’ve previously posted about my cough issues lastig for about months now and I just got back from my doctor . I posted about my mom’s thyroid ultrasound as well ‘cause she’s had a goiter for a few years already . The doctor also checked my neck ‘cause it probably might be the ‘cause of my cough . She felt that the sides of my neck felt large . She thinks I might have goiter as well ‘cause my mom has one and so I was asked to go through a neck ultrasound . I asked if the goiter wil go away and she said that we’ll see about the results first . I’m currently freaking out . Does anyone have experienced this ? Can goiters be removed ?
  25. Oooooh ~ she’s had her goiter for 3 or 4 years already she had it checked and was prescribed with meds but she stopped taking them . She just had her thyroid ultrasound yesterday and now we’re just waiting for the results .