I don't really have an issue with my own mortality. I obsess over my close family. I'm always in a state of fear over their safety. I couldnt even go off to college because of fear that my mother may have a heart attack, or my brother would fall out of his high chair. Silly things, in retrospect. But they affect me anyway. i just have to cry it out, most of the time, haha. As weird as that sounds.
As for life after death? oh man thats a big thing for me. It freaks me out as well. I didnt grow up with religion, but later in life found my way into Christianity. But now, i feel like my veiw of life after death is a mixture of religions and thought processes. The scientific side of me wants to believe that we go into the earth, to become the earth. But the spiritual side of me wants to believe that our souls are real, and just to magnificent to dissipate after death. So really I guess we have to find comfort in realizing, that even if there is no afterlife, we won't know it when the time comes!
(sorry for spelling and grammar)