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Panic Attacks from being hungry

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I had a small panic attack that lasted only about 2 min. Was really not that huge of a deal. I knew though it was probably because I was really hungry. 

I woke up early this morning really hungry. I was still tired though and chose sleep over food. When I woke up the second time though I felt awful and shaky which turned to a panic attack.

I ate and finally felt better. Does anyone else get like this?

After eating so much over Christmas I decide to pretty much cut out everything I knew had a lot of sugar in it. So maybe the abrupt change caused it?

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The only time I had ever experienced anything like this was when I took a Midol on an empty stomach at work one day for menstrual cramps. I was feeling pretty "off" all day, but I had a really bad panic attack and had to sit outside in the parking lot for 20 min before returning to work. This was a few years ago, and have only had a few "bad" ones since then, non-food related. I believe abrupt diet changes can have as much of a mental and emotional impact as physical when the body has been used to overindulging for some time. Maybe try keeping your meals small and frequent while you bounce back from holiday indulgences?

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