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Ice packs for anxiety

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Usually when my anxiety is acting up especially when I'm having palps I put a really cold ice pack on my chest. The extreme cold distracts me from focusing on the paplpataions. Its also good on the neck.

I know a lot of us have palpations because of anxiety. Thought I share since my palps have been happening a lot recently. 

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Shelby, good post ~   A month or so back I had a really sore neck and put an ice pack on my neck at bedtime and I fell straight asleep. I'm a chronic insomniac so it usually takes me an hour to 2 hours to fall asleep at night. Intrigued , I tried it again the next night and the next and for several nights I fell straight asleep.  I was talking about it in the chat room here and a member suggested the ' mammalian diving effect'. So I googled and while not necessarily the exact same thing, I could see the connection.  That ice cold right on the neck and shoulders may have pulled some ' blood' ?  from the brain to go battle the cold and when my brain got less blood, it got less activity, less thinking, less ruminating, less everything,,,,,,,,,,, sleep~   

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