Effexor 150mg and libido effect

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Hi Guys. Since being on Effexor my sex drive went down quite abit over time. Reading around and it seems to be common Im currently on 150 a day for a year. Prior too that was 75 a day for a year or so. Where i am now is my doc is weening me off effexor and moving to another tablet called Welbutrin xl (or something) My question. Since i have been on Effexor for abt 2-3 years, can i get back my libido to a reasonable level? Or is it "damaged" for good? Doc has said Wellbutrin should not affect as Effexor did Thanks - hope to hear back

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It should definitely come back. Have you successfully weaned off? Remember, things don't always happen overnight. I took Effexor 150 mg for about three years followed by 225 mg for another three years. Weaning off was a six month process. I'd suggest exercising if you aren't already. 

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Mine came back. Pretty quick. Also had no symptoms  of withdrawal . Was only on for a year at 75-150.

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