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Status Updates posted by Vivatiene

  1. Laughing and joking about sex with the coworker. #demdirtymeatballs

  2. My motto for the week: just breath. #finalsarecoming #anxietyproblems

  3. Two more shiny and long gray hairs found today...... #mygodimustbeold #onemonthmore!

  4. 8am class... sparsly populated... #hungoverstudents

  5. Yes drunk customer I'll gladly give you a (free) coffee cause its cold.. not like it would get me fired or anything. #delayedlivetweet

  6. Please drunk customer don't vomit on my counter. #youdontlookgood #StPatricksDay #delayedlivetweet

  7. sigh. It is time to go and be an adult and earn moneys and stuff. #anxietysucks

  8. Nap before work? Sounds like a fantastic idea. #whyisitonlytuesday? #obscurehastags.

  9. Yesterday was most definitely a teaser as I look out the window and see its snowing. #idontwannagooutside