
I hate that I've succumbed to this anxiety... HELPPP

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Okay, so this is my first time on a health anxiety forum so here we go! I have always been a pretty healthy individual. I rarely get sick and always have a lot of energy. Sometime anxiety can change those things though! I'm sure we have all been there. I noticed a new mole about a year ago. I said something to my boyfriend about it at the time since I was freaking out and beginning to have a panic attack. He swears up and down that I have had this mole for as long as he can remember (we've been together for 3 years). I am 21 y/o so I think its relatively normal to still develop new moles at this age.  I never noticed it before in my life! Perhaps it was just in a difficult location to see? It is on my left breast under my areola. (sorry for anyone grossed out by boobs) ((don't know why you would be but you never know these days))... So I guess without really lifting my breast up to purposely look under it I probably would have never noticed. Anyhow, I sort of continued to freak out about it since it is slightly raised, has two darker spots in the middle and has sort of an "egg- like" appearance. It is smaller than a pencil eraser and hasn't appeared to grown or change in the last year. I went to my family doc about 6 mo ago and she looked at it from a distance (clearly not concerned) and said I was fine and shouldn't worry. So what did I do? I worried. I decided to see another doctor in that office and she thoroughly examined it and measured it for me. She said it seemed like we were in the clear but she wanted to keep an eye on it to make sure it doesn't grow or change. That was about 2 mo ago and here I am freaking out again!! Typical health anxiety. :( Sometimes I don't know what to do with myself. Medication makes me a zombie and counseling never worked, but that's for another topic. Anyhow, the point to this insanely long post is that I need help identifying whether I should be scared or if anyone else out there has similar issues or anxieties? I think I really just need some support from some fellow anxiety sufferers! Thank you for replies in advance. 

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Hi SC1996,

I had a large mole on my face that had different colors in it. Of course I was convinced it was melanoma. Doctor also wanted to be sure and sent me to a skin specialist. This heightened my fears since even my GP wasn't sure! The specialist took one look and said ' moles can change with time'....That was 30 years ago. The mole is still there and I keep watch on it. But the fears have subsided. I would trust your doctor's experience. Take a photo of the mole. Any new changes should be checked - but from my experience, you needn't be overly concerned.

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Thank you so much! I did schedule a derm appointment since I don't think I'm going to quit worrying until a specialist actually tells me its fine. lol. I guess that's just how anxiety plays tricks on you so I'm definitely feeling better today after reading your response! Thank you :) (My appointment is next thurs so I guess ill post again after then! 

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