Anxitey brought on by stress

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Hello. I have struggled with panic and anxiety for about 20 years now. It is triggered by stress. I've been under some serious amounts of stress lately and it's making my anxiety really bad. 

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Hello @LKAA Welcome to AC,

I hear you, 20 years for me too and stress can really add some nitro to the anxiety.  You have come to the right place.  There is literally hundreds of hours of reading material here and advice so have a good look around and feel free to ask whatever questions you like.

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Hi there your not alone. I have been anxious on and off pretty much my while life. Just recovering from another setback. 

You can get through this.

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On 9/22/2017 at 8:08 PM, LKAA said:

Hello. I have struggled with panic and anxiety for about 20 years now. It is triggered by stress. I've been under some serious amounts of stress lately and it's making my anxiety really bad. 

I can definitely relate! Stress can do so many things to your body mentally and physically! I wish you the best 

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Hello, I'm new to this I'm hoping hearing and sharing with others willl help me to know there's others out there..I always here many people suffer with anxiety but, can anyone share any physical symptoms with me? Lately I wake up with rapid heart rates, hot arms and hands.. I breathe and tell myself it's going to be ok... it's just really hard and I want it to stop. Anxiety has been in my life for 10 years. I was good when I was on zoloft 25mg I was great even went off the zoloft. 6 months later it's back and had to go back on it. What scares me the most is sometimes I'm not even worrying about anything.. is it possible I've trained my brain to worry even when I don't feel any worry? 

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Yes LKKA! Welcome to our community. Be assured you are not alone. I've been an 'active' anxiety sufferer for 3 years now and I have experienced pretty much all it brings or so it seems. But it can get better. First thing is to acknowledge what we have, and yes, stress triggers the anxiety in us. That has been my experience too.

Welcome again, I'm looking forward to hearing from you. 

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Welcome Susan! What you are experiencing sounds like classic anxiety symptoms to me ( if a no doctor told you it stems from a physical illness). There is a list on here: The 100 symptoms of anxiety by Gilly, the owner of this site. It's very helpful.

Yes, many times anxiety is deep in our subconscious and on the outer layers it seems like we have no worry at all. I have experienced this as well. Have you considered counseling? It has helped me a lot. 

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Hello and Thank you. Yes, I am currently going to counseling I started again 3 weeks ago. My counselor advised me to move my meds to a therapeutic dose 50mg as opposed to 25mg  which I just did a few days ago per my Dr. Yes, I have been told that I am healthy and my labs were perfect. There are many of things I worry about, I'm starting yoga next week and meditation classes..Its just really tough  just when you think you have it under control ....its  back. I'm really excited about this web site I've never spoken to anyone other than my family and drs.. about this, its really relieving that I can share with individuals going through this. 

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