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Spider veins appearing on breast normal

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I'm not pregnant or on any pills and I noticed little purple veins on breast and I'm  worrying again. I know when your pregnant you get them but I'm not so why do I have them? I searched again and it said has to do with estrogen which I'm already worried about if you seen my last post. Is this normal? Does this mean high estrogen? Sorry again for the posting again but why would I have these veins appear out of nowhere 

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Did you post this exact question on the no more panic message board or am I losing my mind? 

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Hey Worrygirl! I know this May be odd for a guy to reply to your question...but hormones, stress, and any squeezing or tension can cause the veins you see. My girlfriend has had them appear during very stressful/emotional times As it kind of worries her as well. As long as it's not painful, or sensitive to the touch, I think you should be okay. (:

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Spider veins anywhere on the body is normal. Spider veins are considered to be surface veins and can come from anywhere.

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