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Help...still having bad palpitations

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This is the fifth day with almost consistent palpitations. Ive had about 40+ each day. I still have a cold, and I'm trying really hard to ignore them. But its hard when they keep happening. I went to the Dr and she only did some blood work. which came back fine. I wish she would have done an ekg or something.

These palpitations feel different than most I've had. I feel like my hearts "catching" like it pauses then it thuds. Like when you go down a steep hill in a car feeling. My hearts not racing after it happens which is good. I'm also not having full blown panic attacks.

I just wish it would stop feeling like this though.


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Feeling ill will heighten anything you go through.. add anxiety issues even w/o sick and well its a perfect storm.. From the description you're giving sounds like consistently described palpitations.  Remember that the DR is so much more qualified than our worries and if had any issues/ concerns would of ordered more testing.

Also when you are already focused on a symptom you will notice every minor thing about it. And no matter how many times we can feel something we always when very deep into it think or feel its worse than any other time. I am in no way diminishing your concern. Just trying to give an outside voice.

When you get these feelings do you stop and obsess or do you continue on ? IF you are stopping and being consumed when it does try to just go about your day or with something and see how you feel. Remember if you even just look on this site alone many have these and they come and go with no concern or worry. I hope it settles for you and you get to feeling better!

Keep your head up!


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Right!! I will describe what I have had for over 35 years. OK? And I'm still around with a sound heart.

'Skips'. It feels as if the pulses skip a beat then do a double beat.

'Thuds'. Sudden quickly beating thudding feeling, then it stops and starts again.

'Missed beats'. It misses, pauses, then starts again.

'Catching' beats as if it suddenly takes your breath away.

'Falling'. As if you are going down in a lift, (escalator).

'Sinking' feeling when the heart races then seems as if it stops.

OK? Got the lot?

Now you might think I was a gibbering wreck with all that. Well I was just that. It took me a lot of time and effort and therapy to realise that none of it had any importance whatsoever. You can't ignore it, not possible, but you can learn to disregard it. That's different. 'Oh, so there you are again. Well, welcome, do your worse and see if I care'.

This is of course reliant on the fact that you have been checked out, AND YOU HAVE!!!.

There are others, but I won't bore you with them. 40+ a day? You are lucky, I often had them 24/7!! So, what comes of all this?  FEAR. FEAR is at the root because it's adrenaline that causes the problem because it increases tension. It's meant to. The tension interrupts the electrical impulses to the heart, which happens because the body is preparing itself to run away from the big hairy Mammoth. And so it goes on. That is if you allow it to. You are not a caveman and the reasoning part of your brain is more developed than his was, so use it.

Also when you are already focused on a symptom you will notice every minor thing about it.      Thanks Kylie.

That says it all really. 'IT' has become the centre of your attention. Go with it there; work and play with it there, it's absolutely harmless. Honest!!

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Thank you to you both. I'm trying really hard to ignore them. I catch myself making up stories in my head thinking they're something bad. Distracting myself when this happens is my best solution for now.


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Your catastrophising scenarios,  I used to do the same.   When my palps start they happen once in every 4 beats at its worst.   Why every 4 beats?  What's regulating it? What's the repercussions of this? These are all questions I used to ruminate over until I was sick with worry. I've since learnt to say "you know what? Just do what you want and I'll do what I want" I decoupled the sensation from my mind and allow it to continue without my introspective gaze.   Like Jon says,  it's that fear that turns the sensation into a scary sensation,  it's the belief you create then believe as gospel.  Practice practice practice

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Yeah Shelby. Distraction, although it may not be a long term answer, is very useful. If you can find something of interest to take your mind off your symptoms then that's good. I found walking was good. Palpitations don't seem to like exercise, so keep moving. And by the way, you won't damage your heart by doing exercises. Nothing over strenuous but gentle stuff is fine. We do catastrophize, as Mark says. I still do at times. God, some of these habits are hard to break, but it can be done.

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Hi Shelby,  I was having over 4,000 a day. The PVC variety, which sounds similar to your description. It would go beat, beat, pause, thud, beat beat, pause, thud repeat. Some would last for hours. After a lot of Dr. visits I accepted they were benign and they slowly stopped. They still pop up (tonight even). I do think some cold meds can trigger them too, and colds. From someone that had a lot of them and often, they are just annoying, but will clear up. Chamomile tea usually helped or hot hater with honey. 

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Hi Shelby

I had palps for the first time in ages a few days ago. I thought of you right away! Man they suck! 

I'd like to think I'm pretty good at managing my anxiety these days but palpitations certainly knock me back a peg or two! I tried to keep Jonathan's words in my mind that it is extra beats not missing ones. I also distract myself, get busy and remember all the other times where they did eventually go away, it shouldn't be any different this time. I try to keep the faith that it is anxiety and nothing more. I try to keep my mind from escalating to worst case scenario type thoughts. 

Another trick is the Valsalva manoeuvre. That's the one you do when your ears are blocked. Hold your nose and mouth closed & try to push air out. It helps me even though I don't push that hard that my ears pop, I'm too much of a sook for that haha. 

That and getting up and going for a walk. Any sort of exercise will help. 

I hope they leave you alone soon! 

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Thank you all! The palpitations are slowly going away. I had like 2 today and that was it! 

I also feel like I have a better handle on my anxiety than I did a year ago. As most with anxiety I feel my symptoms more than others. I just need a little reassurance now and then.

Thanks again! :)

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I also feel like I have a better handle on my anxiety than I did a year ago. As most with anxiety I feel my symptoms more than others. I just need a little reassurance now and then.

Yes Shelby, and well done. You may have seen the other day I got told off for saying a year wasn't long. Well, YOU know what I mean. Patience is not something that comes easily in anxiety; in fact we are a very impatient lot. We want to be well yesterday but, unfortunately, it doesn't work that way. Reassurance!! Oh yes, that is something we all need from time to time. And why not. We are human and humans like to feel that all is well and to be told so. In medieval times the old lamplighter would go round the streets at night shouting "Three of the clock and all is well". Reassurance!! People slept better in their beds for it and so do we.

YOU have the right attitude and will be fine, just give it time.

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Yes Jonathan I'm very impatient especially with anxiety! I know when it first hit me and I was doing bad a year ago I just wanted to stop and be better like a cold or something. I finally figured that that was not going to happen. So I slowly started pushing myself to get out again and training my brain to not think in worse case scenarios.

Of course I still get rough days here and there but no were near what it was. I'm am thankful! :)

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