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Recently diagnosed with GAD/Panic disorder

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Good morning,


 I am newly diagnosed with  GAD with Panic, although I have been suffering from the symptoms and attacks for almost two years now. I joined this forum so that I have people to talk to that understand the feelings and emotions that are beating at me every moment of the day and night. I look forward to sharing support, thoughts, and ideas with alll of you.

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Hey, KMilner welcome to AC :) 


Good to have you here! We all understand and relate, it's tough but it does help to have people who 'get it' to talk to. Hope to see you on chat sometime :)

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Welcome!  I also just joined, like 15 minutes ago, but might as well hop on the band wagon, right :)  A therapist I was seeing actually recommended this site to me just for the reason you mentioned.  I'm so blessed to have a great support system of friends and family, but even professionals in the mental health industry can't really "get it" if they've never experienced it themselves.  No one in my support group can personally relate, although they are still supportive and as helpful as they know how to be.  I'm also hoping to find value in talking to other people on AC who are going through similar anxiety struggles.  Best of luck!

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Hi KMilner71, you arent wrong. I guarantee you that this site would deeply understand and support you. You'll get motivated at the same time. I wish you well. 

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