
Breast Bruise or Infection After Mammo

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11 minutes ago, Ironman said:

Lymphoma of the skin can look like other skin issues.  Skin lymphoma is something that grows and spreads, but is rare.  If the mammogram pinched, it could cause a mark that looks like it, too.  

It's apparently early enough that they are just trying to figure out what it is.  Treatment goes like that.  

The thing to do is avoid doing something my father always told me I did......he would always say "you are putting two two and two together....and getting EIGHT!"  

Thanks for chiming in, Ironman. I think in this case I'm  putting two and two and two and coming up with EIGHT HUNDRED and not just eight. I'm admittedly not handling this well at all. Thank you for sharing your father's made me smile...not an easy feat today. 

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6 minutes ago, PennyPanic said:

Thanks for chiming in, Ironman. I think in this case I'm  putting two and two and two and coming up with EIGHT HUNDRED and not just eight. I'm admittedly not handling this well at all. Thank you for sharing your father's made me smile...not an easy feat today. 

It's hard to do.  The doctors will know what to do one they have their info.  It's early in any case so it would be faster to treat.

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I am so surprised that they cannot determine it with a biopsy or blood work- how on earth do they determine it then? I am not googling lol. That makes no sense to me. What are you supposed to do or how are they supposed to tell?  I just think he had no compassion. You want to know what it is so he told you all of the possibilities even the most out there possibilities. Which didn’t help. What else did he say it could be? He didn’t just say lymphoma did he?

Like Ironman said you are putting 2 and 2 together and getting 8! No one said you are dying! You are NOT dying! Did you feel like you were dying the day before you found this? No! All of the tests have come back fine.  Lymphoma is systemic. I have no idea how they can’t figure it out. And I would also assume you would have other spots too- like not just there - maybe one on your arm or leg or back. Wouldn’t it be spreading?

So I have a health coach I follow and years ago she had a lump in her breast - you could actually see it bulge the skin - and the dr had told her she was sure it was cancer. So she went and had the biopsy fully expecting a cancer diagnosis and it was ….. a fibroadenoma!! All that stress and the dr was wrong! But I guess better to “prepare” her for cancer and be wrong than vice versa?  Maybe for them but not for her- this is the same here. He said stuff that he can’t even fully diagnose right now! He really needed to keep his mouth shut unless he was really looking for it. And it doesn’t sound like he was. 

Hopefully that story helped a bit - I feel like you need to hear it. I have a feeling that if he was really really concerned or if ANY of them were really really concerned, they would have referred you. No one did. For all we know that last derm took the biopsy because he could and maybe thought it would help - what else was left to do?  Let’s consider things like that for now because there is no reason to see things any other way right now.

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No don't me. Don't do it. Don't borrow trouble. I googled a little...I just can't any more. I'll drive myself mad.

Derm 2 told me it could be contact dermatitis or sebopsoriasis. Contact dermatitis would cause itching...this doesn't. I guess sebopsoriasis would itch as well. He didn't think it was a bruise. Then that's when he went on to give me the horrible diagnosis and went on and on about it. Once I heard the 'L word" I honestly heard nothing else. So truth be told, I may have missed a lot.

I do have a very itchy spot on my hip that was also biopsied...but I thought that spot was as a result of chafing from the seam in my underwear. Where ever there is elastic in my "el cheapo" underwear: along the waist, at the leg openings and at the sides, my skin is clearly irritated. I, of course, stopped wearing that underwear (duh) and switched to cotton ones. They still dig a bit but it's not leaving such red marks. Of course, the marks from constant chafing/rubbing from elastic takes a while to go months/years. Nevertheless, where the elastic/seams were it itches. He took a biopsy there too though. To me it's completely different than on my breast but since we were "getting froggy" ...hey...let's get froggy and go for it all. So I have 2 hip and my breast. I noticed today because I had to shower, dry off and replace the bandaids that the punch biopsy on my breast seemed like a larger sample than on my hip. Perhaps he did my hip just because I showed it to him. He took the area from my breast that was the darkest color. That seems logical to me.

Derm 2 was concerned about the hip itchy area because it's round. He made a big fuss about that. 

Derm 3 just biopsied it and made no real comment about it.

I also showed both derms that the nape of my neck as it has been itchy. Neither saw anything there (I didn't see anything either). I suspect it's stress related. It itches like mad right now...but the skin looks and feels absolutely normal. I have had itching there before that I think was due to stress.

I also have itchy dry skin on my butt cheeks (tmi) that are not red, that I figured was also from chafing from increased walking the gym. He took one look at that and said it's nothing but dry skin. It's the exact same on both sides so that's what leads me to believe it's chafing from skin friction - I will be sure to show him again, believe me.

I didn't feel as if I was dying the day before yesterday, no. But I was concerned...but no one had told me such horrible things - including the "it will spread and kill you." Derm #2 basically did me in.

The story about your health coach helped me a TON. I'm sorry for what she went through but it did give me hope. Thank you for sharing it with me. Just goes to show you that it ain't over until it's over.

Yes, biopsy was the only thing left to do...otherwise, it would be negligent, I think. Plus how else could I rest?

I wonder if I had just gone to Derm #3 to begin with if he would have biopsied anything?

Who I just wait and wait and wait....and pray and pray and pray. 

Thank you BeautifulDisaster for caring....really really really thank you.

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You should definitely not be googling anymore! There is nothing for you to google and you did all that you can do. All of the spots you are talking an sound normal to me especially if you happen to be fair skin. Which you didn’t say but it sounds like you might be. And yes underwear can leave marks and the marks can itch and stay especially if you have sensitive skin. Or skin that marks or turns red easily. Why did he take a biopsy from the hip too? Just because it was red? Oh wait - I am guessing you brought it up to derm 3 because of derm 2 and he just biopsied it. 

Yes stress can definitely can make the skin itchy and even red! Could also be allergies too! 

He was wrong to say “it could spread and kill you!” That’s inappropriate especially with no formal diagnosis but even if there was one- that is still inappropriate- who is to say that is true?

Glad that story helped. Yes she had the lump removed and that was all. But they were actually telling her it was cancer - that’s not what’s going on here. But the point is even the drs can be wrong. And he didn’t diagnose you - apparently we don’t even know how he can even do that! - but just because he brought it up means nothing. I still think he would have referred you if he really felt that is what it was.

Now you are thinking logically! Derm 3 may not have even biopsied you had you gone to him first. Instead you told him all the drs you saw and you probably told him - and this last one mentioned lymphoma!- and he was like - ok let’s just biopsy it then because what else was left to do? Mammo clear, blood work clear, and you did the antibiotics…. Ok then. Had you seen him first, or even came to him without freaking out over lymphoma, he may not have biopsied. 

I am still sticking with - it’s going to be ok 🤗



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Yes, I'm extremely fair and have ultra sensitive skin...

Yes derm 2 should never had said what he said, not without a biopsy or some factual information. That was very unprofessional and mean.


I'm holding onto your hope and well wishes. They help me!

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See yes - extremely fair and ultra sensitive skin isn’t helping meaning that it will easily react and turn red - mine is the same. 

I know it is very frustrating and scary and the waiting makes it worse, but now you know you have done everything to take care of yourself. I know you will be ok. Nothing you can worry about now will change anything. Everything else has come back clean. No reason this shouldn’t either. Try to keep that in mind. And your husband says it is lighter. Keep that in mind as well.

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I'm holding onto anything right now BeautifulDisaster including your friendship. Thank you for that. At this point, I'm just praying like mad hoping that God will be merciful. I never knew I could shed so many tears. But, as ever, I thank you for all you've done for me and let me assure you, you've done a lot.

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Big hugs to you Penny 🤗 please keep me posted. And let me know if you need any reminders about what we know is true as of right now or if you need to talk. I am still believing it is going to be ok!

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BeautifulDisaster, I will most definitely keep you posted. You've been at my side every step of the way and I can't express how much that has helped me. At this point, what can we do other than wait and pray (and cry)? Thank you again. You are an angel...truly.

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Awe that is sweet of you to say 🤗 thank you. I am glad my words have helped. Sending you all the positive energy and thoughts. I am still holding fast to: it’s going to be ok🤗

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1 hour ago, BeautifulDisaster said:

How is the spot looking? Any better? Any changes?

No hips are itchy...I don't know...very sad...very scared...trying to hold it together...praying a lot...hoping God will be merciful.

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Does your husband think it looks any different? Itchy skin on the hip seems normal though? You may need a good lotion for the hip.  Fair and sensitive skin will show all kinds of thing! Still thinking things will be ok!

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Sorry BeautifulDisaster, I answered when I wasn't in the right frame of mind. I did show my husband just now and he thinks it looks lighter. To me it looks the same...somewhere in between is the truth...but I'd rather go with his assessment. I'm still holding onto your good thoughts...they are getting me through. Thank you for helping me.

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Honestly, it looks exactly the same to me...even this morning. Nevertheless...thank you for all you've done for me.

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That makes sense that it would.

hopefully you get the results sooner this week rather than later. You don’t know when you are to hear from them, correct?

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18 minutes ago, BeautifulDisaster said:

That makes sense that it would.

hopefully you get the results sooner this week rather than later. You don’t know when you are to hear from them, correct?

Derm #3 said at least 7 days. It was done on Thursday, so I suspect I won't get it until then. Of course, then he's on vaca the following week. Sigh...I don't know how I'm going to make it but I'll gladly go through this if it can just no be cancer or anything that leads to cancer.

Thank you for worrying about me. You make me feel less alone. I need that right now.

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Oh man I bet that was 7 business days! Hopefully you will hear by Thursday or Friday. And he is out of town next week????? Noooooooo!!!!

the waiting is the worst part

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2 hours ago, BeautifulDisaster said:

Oh man I bet that was 7 business days! Hopefully you will hear by Thursday or Friday. And he is out of town next week????? Noooooooo!!!!

the waiting is the worst part

It is...and I'm afraid I'm not handling this well...I googled....


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No!! No googling!! There is nothing to google because you don’t know what it is! So basically…. You are scaring yourself!!  Stop scaring yourself! 🤗

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1 hour ago, PennyPanic said:

It is...and I'm afraid I'm not handling this well...I googled....



29 minutes ago, BeautifulDisaster said:

No!! No googling!! There is nothing to google because you don’t know what it is! So basically…. You are scaring yourself!!  Stop scaring yourself! 🤗

Yep - don't google.  You'll scare yourself!

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9 hours ago, Ironman said:


Yep - don't google.  You'll scare yourself!


10 hours ago, BeautifulDisaster said:

No!! No googling!! There is nothing to google because you don’t know what it is! So basically…. You are scaring yourself!!  Stop scaring yourself! 🤗

You are both very very very correct. Very correct...and I knew better. Sigh...

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