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Sausage lump in right side DRS making me more confused.

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I think I have had this long sausage lump in my right side for years but cannot be sure. I only remembered it as recently I've had a bit of pain on and off in that area and felt it while examining.

I got an upper abdominal scan done the other week for the pain and that was normal, but they never scanned my lower portion where the lump is.
I spoke to a Dr yesterday. She was so rude. Just said I'm not a Dr and I'm not qualified to diagnose myself (which I wasn't diagnosing myself, hence why I made an appointment) and then she said its most likely my colon but to come in an get examined.
I went into a different Dr today and she said she could feel what I was talking about and because I was skinny it could be my bowel but she referred me for an ultrasound anyway. The thing is the ultrasound is a pelvic one which I already had one done earlier this year and that only looks at the reproductive organs.
She said the bowel can't really be seen on a scan, but surely a huge solid mass/tumor could?

Ugh so frustrated. Seems like I may have to get a invasive procedure done such as a colostomy just to be sure. Im terrified of general anesthia so that would be my last resort.
I cannot understand why a ultrasound or even abdominal CT scan couldn't see the bowel/or a tumor.
Just so scared that I'm allowing this thing to grow and slowly kill me. I hope it's my colon, but I doubt it. I can feel lumps on the left side too but I think that's stool as it's separated and tends to change shape after a bowel movement. This one on the right is permanent. In certain positions I barely feel it other positions it almost pops out it's so prominent.
I don't think it's a hernia as it's not visible to the eye and is more of a long sausage/tube rather that a pouch. Also the Dr examined it with her hands and never mentioned a hernia.

Does anyone else have this long intestine type lump?

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