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Worried about my upcoming physical

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I have my yearly physical on Wednesday and I'm seriously overthinking it. I'm 45 years old and I think in pretty good health (knock on wood). I know that getting a yearly physical is a good thing and I'm not going to back out, but I'm still worried (and it's a worry I've had since I was a kid): what if the doctor finds something? I'm even more worried because at 45 I know colonoscopies are in my future and that scares the heck out of me. I also worry that they will find something, but the procedure itself frightens me. I find myself counting down the days with a sense of dread. Can anyone else relate?

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Totally relate - including the part about having the worry as a child. I try to group all of my doctors appointments for checkups together so I can get through the dread and horribleness all at once. It's just awful. Just know that in all likelihood everything will be just fine and then you'll feel such a sense of relief and then you're free for another year. Keep us posted.

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30 minutes ago, PennyPanic said:

Totally relate - including the part about having the worry as a child. I try to group all of my doctors appointments for checkups together so I can get through the dread and horribleness all at once. It's just awful. Just know that in all likelihood everything will be just fine and then you'll feel such a sense of relief and then you're free for another year. Keep us posted.

Thanks for the positive comments. There is a sense of relief once the appointment is over, but it's the dread building up to it that gets to me. 

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It would happen to anyone.  No one looks forward to a physical....or the probe.

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I am an expert on colonoscopy's as I have had 8 or 9 of them and they are a piece of cake. 

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54 minutes ago, MARC said:

I am an expert on colonoscopy's as I have had 8 or 9 of them and they are a piece of cake. 

That's good to know. 

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The probe would freak me out, but apparently, there is the stuff you have to drink to clean you out.....we're talking "flush the insides".  

You have to prioritize what to worry about.  If they catch cancer, they'll know what to do.  The earlier the better.

I'll be 47 in June anyway, so I won't be able to put it off much longer, even if there is no history in my family.

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In 2021, the American Cancer Society recommended colon cancer screenings begin at age 45, instead of age 50.

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Yep, I was asked about it upon turning 46 last year.  I have been going to semi-annual checkups since my 2006 eye hemmorhage.  I have blood work done all the time, so that could be a hint of something being amiss.

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Yeah, I know it's a good thing to go and get it done. Everything is better if they catch it early. I know there are some less invasive tests out there, so who knows, maybe I can go that route. It's funny (or ironic) because in the past, there have been years where I looked forward to going. I felt good, healthy. I feel a little creakier with every year, but all in all I feel good. 

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The appointment went well. I'm healthy. He was happy with my vitals. He did mention getting a colonoscopy and while he said he was okay if I waited until 50, I decided to just get it done. They will call me in the next month or so to set something up. I can relax a little for now. Thank you all for your comments. They are much appreciated.

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18 hours ago, SurferJoe said:

The appointment went well. I'm healthy. He was happy with my vitals. He did mention getting a colonoscopy and while he said he was okay if I waited until 50, I decided to just get it done. They will call me in the next month or so to set something up. I can relax a little for now. Thank you all for your comments. They are much appreciated.

So glad all is well. Well done, you! 

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Glad to hear you are good to go. 

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