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UV Lights

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I ordered a UV light for myself to improve my mood. Winter is always grey and rainy here and my home is badly lit. I'm dreading the upcoming few months. 😯

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Struggling with the lack of light myself as well here in the UK. Grey and rainy here. 

I ordered one the other day as well. Hopefully will help a bit. Going back to my GP as well to see if temporarily increasing the antidepressant dose for the winter could also help, although I hate asking that. 

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Ugh, this is the worst time of year, isn't it? I am from the Northeast US and struggle with this as well and my children have no idea what's happening when it gets dark at 5 pm. I have a lightbox that I have never used but I should make some use of it. I would LOVE to go lay in a tanning bed once a week if it weren't bad for my skin. I went outside the other day when it was sunny in a black shirt and I felt like I was absorbing the felt so good! I think increasing your antidepressants for the season is not a bad idea!

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