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Has anyone had a swollen lymph node for years?

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Ive had one at the back of my right shoulder for almost two years. When i first found it, i got three ultrasounds, blood work and got a specialist to look at it, and they said it was okay. But it sometimes feels bigger/smaller, and i havent had it tested for years. Has anyone else had a swollen lymph node that never went down? 

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Cutecat, my younger son has had a string of visible lymph nodes on his neck since he was little, he's 26 now. 

His dr told me that lymph nodes can scar and stay permanently enlarged. They never go away. 

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Shotty nodes.   Nodes that enlarge and never go down are called shotty nodes because when they were first noted in medical books, doctors said they felt like the iron pellets used in guns in the 1800's.  I have 3 in front of my right ear.  I can only feel one but my doctor told me there are 3.  I've felt the one since I was a child (loads of ear infections) and I'll be 70 in December.  

You can make a node enlarge by poking at it.

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My ENT physician also told me to not touch and fool around with lymph nodes as that can make them enlarge. 

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Yes I have two on the back of my neck and I've had them checked a few times and my Dr said they will probably always be like that..

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