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Why does this last so long

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Ok this anxiety really sucks!!!  I am fine for a few weeks or even months and then BAM it hits me again. Just keeps knawing away at me. Getting so sick of hearing its just anxiety. I literally can't do anything when I feel this way. Always tired, neck hurts, head hurts, feeling so of balance, shakey I mean WTH!  Anyone here deal or feel like this.  👎

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I don’t know why it keeps coming back but I’m right there with you. I’m so sick of it. I’ll be fine for 3 weeks then one little pain or ache and BAM it’s back full force. 

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Hi Ashley..... Mine started in my 20's and I am now in 60's!!!!  Doctors tell me the same thing.... ANXIETY.  What do you do to get relief?  

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Mine started 11 years ago. I don’t really do anything to get relief. I feel like I get a pain or in my case today a really bad head cold and I obsess and convince myself something is seriously wrong. Then when the symptom goes away (as it always does) I kinda forget about it until the next thing comes along. This last stretch was 3 weeks. I was going to the gym and eating better until I caught this cold or virus and now I am back sliding BIG time. I feel like anxiety/hypochondria is always there just lurking beneath the surface ready to strike at all times. 

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Oh and boy does it strike at any time!!!!  I am always running to the doctors. (Not good). But my mind just thinks the worst. Keep in touch and I do hope it ends for you. 💕

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I’m the total opposite. I DO NOT like going to the doctor. I’m so afraid they are going to confirm my worst fears that i get really bad off before I go. 

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My GI physician told me once that when patients come to see him, some think they have tumors growing inside of them, when in reality it is nothing serious. You are by no means alone thinking the worst case outcome, so I would not be too hard on yourself in this respect. 





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On 1/25/2020 at 7:27 PM, Ashleyspicer84 said:

I’m the total opposite. I DO NOT like going to the doctor. I’m so afraid they are going to confirm my worst fears that i get really bad off before I go. 

I have this problem too. I think some of us are doctor avoiders while others run to them for constant reassurance. 

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