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Every little twinge is another kidney stone!

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Last October I had my first kidney stone. A lovely 11mm guy bouncing around my kidney. Had no idea what I was feeling and of course that was scary for a while. They weren’t “classic” symptoms. After two ER visits and a ct scan it was discovered and later blasted to dust. It wasn’t a pleasant thing of course but oddly enough it didn’t really trigger high health anxiety once I knew what it was and what to do about it. I took it pretty well. However, I was out of commission for weeks. Luckily the only thing I missed was an out of town wedding  

I know I’m susceptible for more. All I can do is drink tons of water which I do. But now every little twinge or anything from rib cage to pelvis in like “is that a stone?!?!? Is it?!?!” And I focus on it. I know what would need to be done and I’m not afraid of it, but I’m highly anxious that a new stone will cause me to have to cancel vacations coming up. That would be the worst for me and I can’t help but think and think about it. So health anxiety, if it doesn’t get you on the front end, will still find a way!

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I’ve had kidney stones before from drinking to much soda. Which by the way I still do. 🤷‍♀️ Luckily I caught them early because of a cat scan that was for something unrelated and they were small enough I could pass them on my own. I just drank tons of water and took a cranberry supplement and I passed them without trouble. If you are drinking plenty water I don’t think you have anything to worry about but if you are really worried try a supplement for extra reassurance. It won’t hurt anything and it may help give you peace of mind. Hope you have fun on your vacay!  

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I have a 2mm kidney stone now that I have had for a few weeks and it still has not passed!! I'm drinking a lot of water and the doctor has me on meds but still has not passed. Ive heard some people say it could take several weeks to months to pass one 

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