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Freaking out a bit

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My landlady's son is coming home from studying in London tonight. He's going to be moving into the living room- they have set up an old mattress on the floor where he'll be for the next MONTH. The house has already been in upheaval because of all his stuff being moved in and there just seems to be chaos every time I step out of my room at the moment. I've never even met him before so I'm not only anxious about meeting a stranger that I'm now going to be sharing space with constantly, but I cherish the already small windows of solitude to use the bathroom or kitchen at my leisure, when all the others are usually out- now I'll have to worry about him being there seeing my every movement because god knows if he might just stay in all the time, omfg.


I also have a doctor's appointment booked for tomorrow and they want me to have my first cervical screening test as I just turned 25, and I am dreading it. I'll have to undress from the waist down so I'm panicking about preening my legs and how I won't be able to wear my patches. I had a bath earlier and took them all off but my body feels so wrong it's really hard to fight the compulsion to pick. I kept telling myself as soon as I get home after my appointment I can put them back on so it's all fine, just focus on that. But just now I have had a call from a job agency. Oh yes, all of a sudden they have a possible position for me at my old work and asked me to come in to register tomorrow morning. I said yes in a panic but then remembered my appointment, so they told me they will arrange it for like an hour and a half later. I have no idea where this agency is so I'm going to have to look up the address and plan my route tonight around the appointment, as well as worry about an outfit and make sure I look smart... 


I already felt like crap today but I didn't think it would matter so much for tomorrow, and now I'm going to be anxious about looking up to standard. I doubt I'll be able to get much sleep tonight now so that is certainly not going to help.


Urgh.. jesus christ it just feels like too much.

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Oh hoshi, of course this is all going to make you anxious! How rude of the landlady to just let her son move into your space, that is just not acceptable, having said that it may not turn out to be as bad as you imagine. Still not on though, I'm sorry.


About the smear, would you believe I had my first one this year? I know, bad bad me. But with my crohns I see the doctor a lot, and I can only ever remember it being offered once, many years ago and I chickened out back then, but when I moved house and changed doctors they sent me a letter and eventually I plucked up the courage last year, only for the nurse to be sick when I went for my appt. I finally did get it done this year and it was nothing like I anticipated, it's very quick and the nurse was so nice. Don't worry about what you are wearing or about your legs. Have you got some smart trousers you could wear, with a nice top? It's still summer, casual but smart will be fine. 


This time tomorrow 2 of these things will be over, try not to stress yourself out too much.

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Thanks Gil, I actually feel kind of indignant bitching about her son moving in.. I mean it's her household so she has every right, but it's just made me super anxious. I met him earlier and he seems alright but I was really nervous and I think I just blabbed some stuff and then disappeared again. The living room is blocked off with all his stuff so I had to step around it just to get through which is kind of hazardous when you're that distracted!


Is it a relatively new thing that women are supposed to be offered smear tests every 3 years then? Good on you for getting it done!  I just changed surgeries like you and only booked in with the contraceptive clinic for the sake of investigating getting an implant, but new patients have to have an initial check-up and it has just also coincided with the smear. Bummer!


I have some loose fitting smart trousers for tomorrow so I can get in and out of them quick and easy. And I dug out my nice rollneck top that looks smart but is super snug and has the extra comfort factor of covering me right up. Hopefully that will compensate and help me to relax a bit more. Phew..


Yes, I'm definitely looking forward to tomorrow afternoon when it'll be all over!

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Hi Hoshi.  In regard to your domestic problems, I agree with Gilly. People are so thoughtless. But the event is usually nowhere near as bad as the anticipation so perhaps it will work out. As far as the hospital is concerned we sometimes forget that the people who run them, nurses, doctors etc. are so used to seeing all sorts of people day in and day out that nothing really worries them. Once the hospital bit is over your mind will be more able to cope with the domestic problem.  Good luck for tomorrow.    Jon.

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s it a relatively new thing that women are supposed to be offered smear tests every 3 years then? Good on you for getting it done!  I just changed surgeries like you and only booked in with the contraceptive clinic for the sake of investigating getting an implant, but new patients have to have an initial check-up and it has just also coincided with the smear. Bummer!


I don't think it's a new thing hoshi no, just my doctors were only ever concerned about how my stomach was and things like the smear test got lost along the wayside until I changed doctors. I was just glad the results were normal because I had thought should I be getting this checked and felt guilty I hadn't pushed to ask.

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