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Injured leg

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Hey guys I’m here with late night anxiety. :(

Sunday we went out and I got my leg injured; the car door slammed on my left knee. I have a bruise that’s probably two to three inches big. That’s on top of my knee more towards my inside of the leg. And right now it’s hurting bad! But all week I’ve had issues with this leg after sitting for a bit and it’s time to walk my leg feels 100lbs heavy. And then i get a pain thattravels to the inside of my pelvis, once I start moving around it goes away. Could this bruise really be causing all these issues? Cause what I’m thinking right now is that it might be a DVT? I did after all get hit it pretty hard; it would go with “injuries to the leg can cause DVTs” .  :( it’s caused me to walk awkwardly, should I give it a few more days?

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3 hours ago, Nutmegbella said:

Hey guys I’m here with late night anxiety. :(

Sunday we went out and I got my leg injured; the car door slammed on my left knee. I have a bruise that’s probably two to three inches big. That’s on top of my knee more towards my inside of the leg. And right now it’s hurting bad! But all week I’ve had issues with this leg after sitting for a bit and it’s time to walk my leg feels 100lbs heavy. And then i get a pain thattravels to the inside of my pelvis, once I start moving around it goes away. Could this bruise really be causing all these issues? Cause what I’m thinking right now is that it might be a DVT? I did after all get hit it pretty hard; it would go with “injuries to the leg can cause DVTs” .  :( it’s caused me to walk awkwardly, should I give it a few more days?

From the sounds of things, your issues could definitely just be from the impact. For one thing, pretty sure DVT would need more time to become a thing and show signs like that. You very well bruised the tendons as well as muscles. It will likely feel sore and weak for a little while depending on how hard it was and where exactly you hit it. I wouldn’t be concerned. 

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Also, the feature of DVT isn’t really that it moves around, it would be one place that gets progressively more painful, swollen, red and very hot.

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DVT is pretty hard to miss when it's causing pain - the affected limb swells up like a sausage, turns red, hot and is extremely painful.  

A few years ago I was walking and tripped, and from years of horseback riding, my instinct is always to not break my fall with my hands but go limp and go with it.  (Honestly probably for the best, because who wants a broken wrist?)  My knee took a lot of my weight and looked like a sunset for WEEKS.  (Meanwhile, when I was a kid, you can bet that it wouldn't have even left a mark.  Getting old is so much fun!)  It felt super heavy and stiff for a while too if I sat around for too long.  Ended up being fine, just annoying (and embarrassing; luckily there weren't many people around at the time!)

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