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Found 8 results

  1. Hi So I came out about my story a while ago on another forum that I lost because I'm a big idiot. However, I do need advice. I'm 17 years old, and I have a lot of symptoms of anxiety. I had a therapist some time ago but she didn't believe in diagnosis. She gave me the "you likely have GAD/Depression" spew and then my guardian pulled me. I haven't been allowed to get help since. That was 2017 in December and my anxiety has been on the fastest moving slide downwards. My symptoms used to purely be mental, I'd ruminate for hours, I might get shaky and paranoid, I'd have panic attacks every so often. After I was pulled and a confrontation occurred, it's gotten worse. I shake day in and day out depending on how stressed I am, I get dizzy frequently, I disassociate often. Every day my body is constantly tense. It's to the point where if I sit still for too long my whole body hurts, and when I stretch my bones and joints pop (the same way it does when you crack your knuckles). Recently, it's gotten even worse with me getting the head zappy symptom. My school offers free professional counseling at this place nearby, but I need to be 18 to sign my papers. I don't know if I'll even last that long;;; it feels like a forever wait and it's 20 days away. Does anyone have any good coping techniques I can use to wait it out???? I can't stand these pains and symptoms.
  2. Hi everyone, this might be a long one! Ive suffered with hot flushes and night sweats for about four years now. My doctors have investigated and trialed me on medication, none of which made a difference. I’ve also been referred to speacilists who refer me to different specailist but no one seems to know why I’m suffering with these intense sweats. I’m only 27 and felt I was perimenipausul! Ive recently gotten a trapped nerve which my doctor has put me on pregabalin/lyflex for. Originally starting on 75mg twice a day my night sweats seemed better. I was then weaned up to 125mg twice a day and the sweats have completely stopped! No more waking up in a puddle with wet hair through out the night and I feel like I have a new lease of life. I have red that pregabalin can also treat anxiety, does this mean it’s anxiety I’ve been suffering with? For as long as I can remember I’ve suffered with head aches and shortness of breath and regurally get that being on the edge feeling. Looking into things I’ve said or situations I’ve handled far too much. I’ve also struggled obtaining my weight and have recently got down to 6 and a half stone. Ive always said I would never take medication to be mentally well (my mum has sever bipolar and is practically sedated on drugs. I don’t want to be like that) but I also can’t deal with the physical symptoms. Someone please tell me if this is anxiety 😩
  3. I've made posts on here before but I feel the need to post on here again. I had the worst night ever 3 days ago. I saw something that I didn't want to see and it caused me great distress. I'm questioning my gender at the moment and am dealing with intense amounts of anxiety. The post I saw was someone's response to someone saying on mental health day "being transgender is not a mental illness" and the person responded with it saying it's stupid. I started to panic because I felt bad for seeing that. I've been told that being trans is not a mental illness and seeing that hurt me. I felt so nauseous and sick. Even worse, my QPP wasnt any help and misread everything I said. He thought I was involved in friend drama but I wasn't. He got mad at me and said i was getting upset over something that shouldn't upset me. He wasn't helping me calm down. I felt alone and helpless. He's been dealing with a lot too and he wanted space but I kept pestering him. We argued and it made me feel even worse. I felt so bad that my body was shaking. I felt dizzy. I vented to someone about it and they said that being trans is not a mental illness and tried to comfort myself enough to fall asleep repeating their words in my head. Then I started to think I had a personality split and had a member system because I imagined myself talking to my QPP about it once everything blew over and then for some reason my voice sounded robotic. Then I started to think "I'm ciara and I'm their alter and it's been bothering me since then. I should add that I've been around someone who has DID beforehand and my anxiety worsened because I started to think I had DID. Even worse one of my friends was talking about rick and morty and I realized my voice kinda sounds like Morty's so I told them and then I thought that I should change my name to Morty/Mortimer and that made me feel good. But then I started to think I was a fictive of Morty from rick and Morty. None of this has happened before and I don't know if it's because of my anxiety. Please help.
  4. Hey this is my first time on the site, I am almost 19 and a guy.I am unsure whether I have GAD or not so I am just trying to find out about it a little bit more and see if it matches with what I am feeling. I think that I had panic attacks when I was little, I used to have periods where I would worry a lot, but it disappeared for a while. It came back when I started high school specifically in junior and senior year. Now that I am about to start college I am worried about what might happen. I am very afraid of death and dying. I do not like to drive a lot because I am very afraid that I will crash and that I may get die. I think about how I will die and it stresses me out constantly, I am terrified about when it might happen and I hope that it is not for a long time. I also have a thing with numbers, I like the number 4, but I hate the numbers 5 and 13. When I see them. I try to avoid them at all costs. for example, when I watch a tv episode that is the 13 episode in the season, I skip it. I find that the thing with numbers gets worse when I am stressed out, like in high school or if I am really nervous about something. Sometimes when I am really nervous, I cough and have made myself throw up before. I would appreciate any help or advice. Thanks.
  5. I am 20 years old and have had depression and intense mood swings all my life. I don't really remember being happy except for fleeting, extreme moments out of nowhere, and the rest of the time I was depressed. I wanted to die since I was 8 and also suffered/suffer from bad anxiety, some paranoia (mostly about social situations) and Nonverbal Learning Disorder which made school even more difficult and scary. Around age 14 my depression kept getting worse and my friend, who has had bipolar disorder most of her life, told me that I sound like I have the disorder. After the school and my parents learned of my s****de plans, I went to several therapists. They all told me that what I had was clinical depression, and I was in no way bipolar. Lately though, things have been getting worse. Since then I've been on anti-depressant/anxiety medication, Celexa, and in the last few years (since graduating high school) I have been barely depressed at all. Almost normal. Since dropping out of college things have been getting worse. I have no self-esteem because I'm not smart and have no talents, and often I think that I should kill myself because I have trouble with my brain getting so freaked out that I can't go to my internship that I'm only at because of an occupation class that I paid for. I think my self esteem problems and inability to get a job, plus the fact that I can't go to college, contribute to my new problems. I don't know what's wrong with me. My mood swings are getting worse. I'll be fine and about to go to my internship (an office job) but I have extreme sensitivity about clothes so if something is uncomfortable, it'll start an episode and I'll come back home and be unable to go to work. That happened a few times last week and today. I feel s*****al, depressed, and have urges to kill and hurt myself. It's uncontrollable and I hit myself, bang my head, etc. without realizing it. I'll notice later that I have bumps and bruises on my head or other places. Sometimes I scream, break things, I can't help it. I don't want to. It really upsets my mom and sometimes she makes it worse. I have no idea what to do. I also feel the need to scrape at my skin which helps. Sometimes drawing blood. Last week I noticed a really scary manic episode. Much worse than most of my happy episodes. Usually, when I'm in a happy mood I go to my girlfriend's house, we do things and have fun, and I spend all my money on toys and junk food. Also I refuse to pay attention to any of my responsibilities and my laundry almost never gets done because I'm either too happy or too sad/tired to do it. This time, everything was heightened even more. I had a noticeable sex drive (which calmed down after I started dating my girlfriend 2 years ago and is almost never an issue), I was hyper and jittery (I am almost always too fatigued to do much, so this was weird), and I couldn't stop laughing for hours. I noticed myself running through the hallways, rolling around on the floor and making weird noises at my mom. I had no control over this. I was SO HAPPY that it just happened. And I was happy for absolutely no reason. In fact, just the day before I had been very depressed and panicky. I wasn't on a sugar buzz; I hadn't eaten in probably an hour or more. This was just out of the blue. It scared me and it lasted until the next morning, though I was able to sleep normally. The reason it scares be is because I know if this happens again, I'll have little to no control over what I do. My parents will be mad at me for acting funny (my dad, at least) because that's how he was when I was a kid and would get hyper and weird. I could lose my internship if I act this way again. I might unintentionally flirt with or hit on someone. I could jump off a cliff just because it looks fun. I'm really scared. It doesn't seem like it's going to happen again, but who knows. Today I had an out-of-the-blue depressive/anxiety episode. My happy episodes usually directly follow my times of extra depression or anxiety. Last time I visited a psychiatrist, she told me that my symptoms sounded like Bipolar but that because of my sleep patterns, I don't have it. I sleep around 9 to 10 hours each night and I'm only disrupted by my cat. So I don't think I have bipolar, but I know SOMETHING is wrong that my medicine is not helping. Does anyone know anything that might explain this? Something that will help?
  6. I feel like I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder and also mental illness specific hypochondria. My manifestation of my anxiety was last April. My best friend (now queerplatonic partner) was upset about something and I was trying to help him but my phone was acting up. Then I started to panic. A few minutes later my phone was working and when I sent him messages he wasn't responding right away. Then I panicked even more, thinking that I did something wrong or made him mad. Even after he responded and assured me I didn't do anything wrong or did anything to make him mad. It's been like that ever since then. Things got worse in October of last year. I started To get thoughts that I wanted to leave my QPP, then spiteful thoughts about people I saw at school. And it gets worse from there. When I would help clean the house and would have to carry a spray bottle of something and I'd see my dog I would think that i wanted to spray her in the face with it and it would make me nervous thinking about it. I didn't do it obviously but that's something that never occurred until last year. And then I would get overly sexual thoughts (involving my QPP) and I'd feel incredibly guilty about it. I constantly thought that my QPP didn't love me anymore or loved someone else more to the point of thinking that he was QPPs with someone else behind my back. Thinking about that kept me up all night and caused me so much distress. And now I've been getting thoughts about harming other people. Hurting my parents. Wanting to harm people I didn't like. I might not like someone but I dot want to harm them. I've thought about walking in front of a school bus while walking home sometimes but I never did it. It just scared me. I hate it so much and no matter what I do these thoughts come back and i obsess over them without end It's gotten to the point where I can't enjoy myself. And near the end of August this year, I made myself go into a fit of distress in panic after becoming friends with someone who has DID. For some reason I just would remember the posts they would make and my stomach was hurting when it happened so I thought when they said "our stomach hurts". They're part of a DID system so then I started to freak out thinking I was part of a DID system or had DID. It was horrible. I was sleep deprived and nervous. I kept thinking stuff like "the body is hungry" "we're going out to dinner" afterward when before I befriended them I didn't act that way. I've never expressed symptoms of DID before. I've done my research and DID manifests at childhood due to extreme trauma such as sexual abuse. I have never had childhood trauma and I've never expressed symptoms of DID or even considered myself to having DID until I met that person. And then I remembered how one of my friends thinks they have schizophrenia and remembered them saying "I talked to my parents about the voices" and then I started to think I was schizophrenic and had voices in my head even though I have no symptoms of schizophrenia or even have voices in my head. And yesterday morning I woke up feeling really bad because I was extremely stressed out about everything that was going on (dad leaving, anxiety regarding mental health) and I got some s*****al thoughts. I thought about harming myself or planning a s****de date. I won't do that I promise but. I just felt so bad. Last week or two weeks ago I was in distress too because of what was going on with Bella and still freaking out over my mental health. I would obsess over those thoughts I think and I would get an urge but. I would never act upon that urge. And also at school or when o woke up I thought about my friend who said they might have schizophrenia and when they once said "I talked to my parents about the voices" and then I started to think I had voices in my head whispering all day and it freaked me out even though I've never expressed symptoms of schizophrenia beforehand. I remember looking on the newsstand app and someone made an app as a network for those who have schizophrenia and I remembered reading it and the person said they got thoughts that went "they don't love you" and THEN I started to think that too even though I don't/didn't express symptoms beforehand And that article I read was from months ago. I should also add that I woke up a few days ago nervous after a dream where one of my friends made a post on twitter saying "I have conscious control over 3 emos in my head and I need to talk about it". When I freaked out when I thought I had DID I should also add it caused me so much distress that it made me so nervous I couldn't sleep. I remember being really sleep deprived and having weird dreams when the DID scare happened and it was just. Bad and I think I heard some things that weren't there but I think it was because of sleep deprivation. I should also add that I might've had episodes of depersonalization during the stressful time where i was freaking out over DID. I felt like I wasn't in control of my body and thought I had an alter. I've posted this onto another forum but I still haven't gotten a response and it's causing me great distress. I've been so stressed out this week and I ended up panicking and had an identity crisis last night which I think occurred because of something that I saw which made me nervous. It sucks because before that I was comfortable with my identity. I woke up incredibly anxious today and had a dream or something while sleep deprived thinking that I identified as a "dark toned nazi" and I'm terrified. Why would I think something like that? This isn't what I want. I'm not even dark skinned. I'm not a terrible person. When the DID scare happened I was scared to look at my reflection in the mirror or take pictures of myself on my phone. And after my identity crisis I can't comfort myself by thinking of my QPP and I because it makes me panic. Everything is making me so nervous and fragile. My QPP has never dealt with this and it's so hard for him too. I kept him up late just talking about what I was nervous and it was so bad. He has work today. He was overwhelmed. I was overwhelmed. I'm supposed to hang out with friends today but I don't even know if I have the mental capacity to. I'm so terrified right now. I was skyping with my QPP and we were talking about a person and I looked the person up on Wikipedia and it said they had gender identity disorder and seeing that made me nervous. I was sleep deprived and kept doubting memories I had as a kid thinking I had amnesia. I hate all of this so much. So much stress is piling onto me. My QPP said that my mental health comes first. Identity and mental health are important but in this case WOULD mental health come first? I also talked to some people I trusted about all of this and they both have mental illness. One person's mother works with those who are mentally ill and talking to them about it they thought I may have GAD, hypochondria, and/or Pure-O OCD. The other person suggested I may have generalized anxiety disorder. Please give your input about everything ASAP. It's very overwhelming and even though I've gone to friends for advice i still am anxious to hear others input about this. PS: Bella is my dog and at the beginning of September she got hurt and I was really nervous something bad happened to her. She's okay now though.
  7. Hi! I recently just joined so I could maybe get some answers. Lately I've been having chest pains and other pains, and for some reason I end up worrying about it to the point where I might think I'll be having a heart attack, this has been happening for about 3 months, I've been to the doctor many times and they keep telling me that I'm alright, I'm going again tomorrow, but I'm just wondering, is this anxiety? And should I bring this up to my doctor tomorrow?
  8. Helloo, I would just like to get someone who isn't a member of my family to give me their opinion of my maybe anxiety. I find it very hard to focus my thoughts and rest on one sentence or point (happening right now..) so generally I find it difficult to put across my opinion clearly. This tends to lead to me feeling very inadequate and anxious that people think I'm useless and an airhead - when I am not. I have a voice in my head most of the time, convincing me that I'm not good enough and all that jazz, and this affects my work also. When I'm faced with a lot of work and deadlines (currently applying to university, so, all the time really) I take the pressure a lot worse than other people, it completely spirals out of control by me telling myself I can't do all this work and people are doing better or are ahead of me. I feel out of control.. And that's one of the things that causes me to get depressed and negative about myself and my life. It also doesn't help when I try to talk to my mum who, though she doesn't mean it, is very negative and pessimistic about things, we are similar in that way. I just want to talk to someone who will give me positive feedback and tell me how I can calm myself down when I have an episode: when my breathing speeds up, my mind goes blank and I start to feel sick - because my mind is overreacting to a situation. Whats the next step? Who do I see and how do I convince my mum that I'm serious about this, that it's not just a phase or stress?