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Found 2 results

  1. Well I found my family! Hi health anxiety friends. I'm relieved to not feel alone. Since my 2 children came along I know I've changed. I have terrible anxiety about my health and that of my kids. Well new HA this month is breast C. I've had leaking boobs for 2 years, barely breastfed, but ok, the leaking is rare, but it's there. My Gyno found high prolactin levels and said oh, it could be a pituatory tumor... great, thanks sir. So, I'm waiting for an MRI of the pituatory gland in 5 days... this will be a long 5 days. Meanwhile, my mother had BC, so yeah, I'm 35 but he wanted me to get my first mamogram. I've had itching over my boobs, nipples and armpits. I didn't mention that to him because it's only been happening for a few days. I swear I've Google itching boobs and armpits and it tells me I'll probably die in 5 years. Ladies, help. I just cry, roll into my pillow and Google all day and night. The itching is weird right? I've even had a televisit to get an MRI order also, because I read: mamogram isn't always accurate or good enough, and you know, all I've done is think about the BC thing. Over the last 2 years since lockdown, I've had sinus issues, numerous CT scans and MRIs for sinus issues so here we go again with more scans. Hoping it's nothing. Trying not to Google until my scans are done and results are back. I'll be here itching my boobs if anyone is wondering! Thanks for the space to rant. My husband is over my bullshit worrying, but he's bringing me tea and still smiling at me.
  2. Hi everyone, This is my first post here. What I have read on the forum has been helpful and it seems like a very supportive community. So let's get to it... I'm a 26 y/o male generally in good health. A few weeks ago I began experiencing tingling in my lower legs and hands/forearms at the conclusion of an anxiety-filled week. It wasn't associated with any panic attacks so I made the mistake of searching google for my symptoms. Of course, I've been convinced since that I have ALS or MS or something else horrible. I had a few days of relief and woke up with high anxiety a few days ago. The symptoms have returned, though now it is more of a low grade itching/burning/tingling near my wrists under the thumb and back of my hands, as well as in the legs (though less so there). I have had health anxiety in the past and now it seems as though it is coming to a head with this. Although I know it is possible, I have never experienced these symptoms without a panic attack. I also know that because I read the symptoms of those diseases that I am paying too much attention to every sensation in my body, which in turn makes the symptoms worse and raises my anxiety. When my anxiety is worse, the tingling is worse as well. Occasionally I get that "rush" of anxiety that causes a "rush" of tingling in those areas. The tingling ebs and flows throughout the day. I notice that in the morning I do not experience any symptoms for awhile. I workout regularly and have continued to do so with the tingling. Have not experienced any other symptoms. No weakness, numbness, dizziness, and I have not felt ill. I just need a little reassurance here. A little more about my anxiety... - I have experienced health anxiety in the past. I believe the source of it was my father's death when I was a child. He died of pancreatic c****r and shortly after his death I became convinced I also had it. This was my first experience with any sort of anxiety, really. - I often have irrational concerns and experience dread. I assume the worst possible outcome in most situations. - I work in a high stress environment working with children and teenagers with emotional/behavioral disorders, so my symptoms have been heightened during the workday.