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About AlwaysWorried21

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  1. I have a ton of those little red dots. They seem to be worse on my chest and arms. Normal!
  2. Sorry this is gross but does anyone have similar experience? Today I noticed parts of my stool seemed to be a gray color. Not light gray and not black. They were also thin (but not pencil thin). Of course I assume I have pancreatic cancer. I have been having LUQ pain and nausea/vomiting off and on since Jan. However they believe it is an ulcer and/or gastritis as I tested positive for h. Pylori. However instead of my abdominal issues being from those things I am starting to worry it is pancreatic cancer. I am 33. Has anyone else had P.C fears? Similar stool issues? Thanks all
  3. I have been having upper left abdomen pain, burping, fullness, nausea. Test for h pylori came back positive. Gastritis and an ulcer is likely what I have. Things like that as well as GERD are much more common causes. PC in your 30s in insanely rare too. Anxiety causes gastritis and stomach issues to get worse and flare up.
  4. Glad to hear it went ok! Keep us updated as you can.
  5. My mom, sister and I (just recently) have had this. My mom and sister have been worked up extensively for it. It's just normal for them. I havent but I'm not panicked over it. Plenty of other things I'm worrying about right now lol. So yes! It is actually quite common and most times harmless
  6. The biopsy will also show if you have h pylori again or anything. It's done routinely on all endoscopies!
  7. I've had the same issue off and on for 4 years now. The more I think about it the worse it gets. Right now I'm in an okay phase. Not obsessing over diabetes (instead it's something else lol) so I'm not longer peeing frequently. I feel your pain! And anxiety ABSOLUTELY does that to your urinary system. The more you think about it and worry the worse it will be. It sucks!!
  8. Unless he got some on his fingers and then put them inside of you or something there is no chance. Even that way it would be a miracle. Let us know!
  9. I was just coming here to post about this issue! I am having some major breast anxiety right now. I think its fibrocystic issues as well. I *think* the weird lumps I am feeling in the right breast have been there before but I'm panicking thinking it may be something new. I do know lumpy breasts and fibrocystic disease are super common though! My mind always just jumps to worst case scenario ugh
  10. Does anyone here have GERD? The logical thought should be that is what I have but I'm absolutely panicking about cancer of some form. For a week now I've had mid to left abdomen pain. It radiates up into my chest and left back also. Pretty frequent belching, lack of appetite... Anyone have any symptoms similar? I am so scared
  11. Yesssss. Pee issues are one of my biggest anxiety triggers. Make some obsess over having diabetes. The more I think about it the more often i go. Its awful
  12. For those with headaches, do yours ever have a pattern? Mine always seem to come on the same side. Worse on the right. Of course makes me wonder if there is a tumor behind there causing that!? Ugh :(
  13. To accurately diagnose you need a fasting blood sugar as well as post-prandial.. after meals. An a1c is a good thing to get also. If you had a chemistry done in your reg blood work a glucose will be in there.
  14. My mom recently went thru a thyroid cancer scare. Holy crap was I a wreck. She has follow up testing end of May to make sure the nodule hasn't grown and it's already making me ill. Would love to know how to be able to handle the wait! Lol! Hugs and prayers to your MIL. Let us know!