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Posts posted by Healingjourney10

  1. I related my symptoms to IBS i dont like the pressure feeling whenever im having the flare ups. Im on a few new meds for anxiety and bipolar so not sure if this will ease it with the new meds im taking. Im in a constant tensed state physically where i feel my body tight especially my ribs, shoulders, neck and arms going into my armpits. Now my digestion is not 100%.

  2. Im worried i developed some form of tumor or bleed from an ulcer with the consistent queasiness i feel. My stomach will have minor aches on both undersides of my ribs or the center of my abdomen. I feel like i constantly have indigestion going on. Same with the feeling of needing to vomit or having something stuck in my throat that feels like a thread of chicken.releasing gas tends to feel like it helps or using the restroom but slowly creeps back up. I do have GERD and started taking omeprazole again. Should i worry?